In early March, thanks to Confindustria Padova patronage, Idrobase Group welcomed a class of students of the Marconi College in Padua. The students had the chance to personally experience a day in our company life, by knowing and standing by the activities and the daily work of the team of people who every day make Idrobase a company of excellence in the Italian territory. We stretch out an hand to young people, so they may know our reality and understand the skills used in the cleaning sector, now more than ever involved in a fast and ever-changing development.
The visit was short but has let students to learn details about the different production departments, as well as the history and the guide values of a company born 30 years ago to make a growth path that has never stopped. A unique opportunity to interact with the various managers responsible for Idrobase production, passing from the pressure washers and misting systems production, to see the systems with misting nozzles with sprayed water, to the automated management of vertical warehouse, an important resource to manage the thousands of Club dei Riparatori articles to build or repair any pump on the market.